
Welcome to my Fanfiction Typesetting Page! Typesetting is the process of transforming a story into a format that can easily be printed and bound into a book. Fanfiction are stories written by fans that feature characters and locations created by an original author. Because the fans writing these stories have no ownership of the characters, it is completely non-profit. Money should never be exchanged in any way for the process of writing, typesetting, or binding fanfiction.

To help fanfiction stay free and safe from any legal issues, I wanted to link all of the files I’ve taken the time to typeset in my spare time. Most of these were requested by readers wanting to bind their favorite stories, and I find a lot of enjoyment helping them do this. I’m a diehard Dramione fan myself, so the majority of my available typesets will probably always be Dramione.

If you’d like to request a typeset of a story I don’t have listed, I encourage you to check out the Facebook group Amateur Fanfiction Binding where a TON of typesets are readily available. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for there, drop me a comment below and if I have the time I might be able to make one for you! Also, my files are “unsignatured,” which means before turning them into books you’ll need to enter them into a free program to break them into easily printable sections. I suggest visiting Bookbinder to do this.

Harry Potter-Dramione Stories

5 thoughts on “MagicByMeredith

  1. hi! i am looking to bind Manacled into a book for my sister. I have never read it myself tho and would love to know wich pdfs i should download sonce it seems to be split into multiple parts? thank you in advance!

    1. Hi there!

      So, Manacled is a VERY long fic, and many people choose to break it into 3 books rather than binding that monster all in one go. I don’t actually have a typeset of the one-volume version, because every time I tried to change the settings of the one I attempted in microsoft word the program would crash because it was so large!

      My advice would be to use the three pdfs (the beginning, the flashbacks, and the ending) and make it into three books, especially if you’re new to book binding, as making something big enough to encompass all three would be extra difficult. If you’re set on trying the one-volume version, though, I know there are some typesets saved in the Facebook fanfiction binding page I’ve linked above!

      I hope this helps, and have a great day!!

      1. thanks for the advice and the quick response! I will probably split it into 3 smaller books then. Have a great day:)

  2. I don’t have a Facebook, but I’m looking for a typeset of Remain Nameless (one of my fav fics ever)!! Do you by chance have that typeset available?

    1. Sorry for the delayed response! Since I haven’t typeset this one would you like me to send you one that the group made? I don’t want to put it on my website since I didn’t create it myself, but if you message me on the “contact” page I can reply to your email that way with a typeset from my group!

      Edit: No need to visit my contact page. I just emailed you, so check your spam folder if you don’t see it soon! 🙂

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